What Is Alcohol Rehab Like in Massachusetts?

As children, we would watch our parents and their friends drink and have a good time. Before even knowing what alcohol is, we formed an association with it and fun, happy times. This is why alcohol is one of the most commonly abused substances in our society today. Drinking is a part of our everyday life. When alcohol abuse begins to affect your life and those around you, it is time to find an alcohol abuse treatment program.

At Chapters Recovery Center, our trained staff will help you with the next sober chapter of your life with our residency and outpatient alcohol abuse treatment program. We want to help you find the path to your life-long sobriety. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction and is ready to make a change, call [Direct] today.

What Are the Signs of Alcohol Abuse?

Many people will not admit that they have a problem with alcohol or even realize that they have a problem. They call themselves social drinkers or functional alcoholics with a laugh and dismiss your concerns. Addiction is a challenging subject to bring up, and it can be challenging to recognize the early warning signs, which include:

  • Whenever you see them, they are drinking, on their way to get a drink, or recovering from a hangover.
  • They are unable to stop drinking even when it is a detriment to their health.
  • When they are not drinking, they are sweating, shivering, or have other significant withdrawal symptoms.
  • They make poor judgment calls and taking more considerable risks.
  • Their work and home relationships begin to suffer.
  • They sneak in alcohol to events where it is prohibited.

If you know someone that fits this description, it is time to have an honest conversation with them. Please talk to them about their alcohol consumption and about enrolling in an alcohol abuse treatment program.

Finding the Right Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program in New England

If you have decided to check into an alcohol rehab center in New England, how do you know which treatment center is right for you? The best option for you will be a place that follows a tried-and-true process for alcohol addiction. Our team offers multiple addiction treatment programs to meet the needs of as many New England residents as possible. For instance, our services include:

  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP) – Typically, this treatment is the next step after finishing a residency program. This option has you attending meetings several hours a day and returning to your home or a sober living community at night.
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP) – If you need help with your alcohol addiction but still have to maintain your work and family commitments, this program can help give you the support you need. However, you can still care for and support your family. This program only works if you have a supportive home environment that can foster your sobriety.
  • Outpatient program – The outpatient program is ideal for those who feel they have a firm grip on their addiction. However, they still want to attend meeting a few hours during the week, evenings, and weekends.

Once you begin your alcohol abuse treatment program, you will have access to a community of sober peers and support staff.

Seek Support at Chapters Recovery Center

Don’t let the stigma of alcohol addiction keep you from getting the help you need to help you with your alcohol addiction. Our alcohol abuse treatment program can give you the life skills you need to create healthy coping skills. If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction and need an alcohol rehab center in New England, contact [Direct] today to learn more about our alcohol abuse treatment program.

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