Treatment for drug and alcohol abuse involves many different treatment modalities and therapeutic interventions. An individual therapy program is at the heart of comprehensive and effective addiction treatment. This is because individual therapy allows treatment professionals to understand the specific needs of a patient so those needs can be addressed in every part of the addiction treatment program.

With the help of a behavioral health professional, this type of therapy allows a patient to explore their emotions, history, current situation, and underlying issues that may be contributing to their addiction. Individual therapy is a confidential space where patients can feel safe to share their deepest thoughts and feelings without judgment. This type of therapy can help patients build trust, identify their goals for treatment, and work through any ambivalence they may have about change. Further, individual therapy treats more than addiction.

What is Individual Therapy?

Individual therapy sessions are conducted one-on-one with a therapist. The focus of individual therapy is on the individual, as opposed to on a group of individuals. This type of therapy addresses and explores a variety of issues, such as addiction, relationship problems, and trauma. Further, individual therapy can include a number of different therapies, including: individual therapy program

  • Talk therapy
  • Individual psychotherapy
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Individualized relapse prevention

When used as part of an addiction treatment program, individual therapy can help to address the individual”s unique needs. This type of therapy can help to provide support and guidance, as well as to identify and address any emotions or factors contributing to the addiction. These can include relationship problems, mental health issues, and other sensitive matters.

Sessions typically last between 45 and 65 minutes. These sessions are conducted weekly, at a minimum, but can occur more frequently or even daily. The number and frequency of sessions will depend on the individual’s needs and progress.

Individual Therapy and Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a disease of isolation. When people are addicted to drugs or alcohol, they tend to isolate themselves from friends and family members. This isolation only serves to reinforce the addiction and make it harder to overcome.

Individual therapy provides an opportunity for addicts to connect with another person in a meaningful way. During sessions, therapists can help patients understand the root causes of their addiction and develop individualized treatment plans.

Individual therapy is also an opportunity for patients to share their feelings and experiences in a safe and judgment-free environment. This can be incredibly helpful for those who have experienced trauma or other difficult life events. In addition, individual therapy can help addicts learn the skills they need to maintain their sobriety.

Types of Individual Therapy

There are a few different types of individual therapy. Therefore, it is important that each individual therapy program is unique based on the needs of the patient. When you attend individual therapy at Chapters Recovery, we ensure that the therapy you receive will be the most beneficial option for your particular addiction recovery needs.

The different types of therapy in an individual therapy program can include any of the following therapies:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Trauma Processing
  • Individual Talk Therapy
  • Individual Psychotherapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of individual psychotherapy that helps patients identify and change their negative thoughts and behaviors. CBT is one of the most popular individual therapies, as it is effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions. This therapy focuses on an individual’s thoughts and how those thoughts influence behavior as opposed to focusing solely on behavior alone.

In CBT sessions, a therapist and patient identify which negative thoughts are contributing to maladaptive behavior. Once identified, the therapist and patient work to replace those thoughts with more rational and positive thinking. This enables patients to see how their thought patterns are harmful and how they contribute to substance abuse and other harmful behaviors.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy is a type of individual therapy that helps patients learn how to cope with intense emotions. Patients learn how to understand and change their thought patterns during DBT sessions. As a result, patients gain the ability to see different perspectives when issues arise in life.

In life, very few issues are totally black and white. Patients who undergo DBT benefit from learning how to balance their perspectives and regulate emotions. Overall, though, DBT has four main goals. These goals are as follows:

  1. Learning mindfulness: The first goal, learning mindfulness, is focused on teaching patients how to live in the present by paying attention to bodily sensations, thoughts, and feelings..
  2. Improving interpersonal relationships: The second goal, improving interpersonal relationships, is centered around teaching patients how to effectively communicate with others. Identifying thoughts and feelings that may interfere with relationships, and learning new coping skills improves relationships and communication.
  3. Emotional regulation: The third goal, managing emotions, is focused on helping patients understand their emotions and how to effectively cope with them.
  4. Increasing positive coping skills: The fourth goal, increasing positive coping skills involves teaching patients alternative ways to deal with their emotions. Rather than turning to drugs or alcohol, patients seek healthy means of emotional release.

Often, individuals in recovery do not possess healthy coping skills. They also may suffer from emotional disturbances, such as depression or anxiety. DBT helps to address those issues. Equipped with coping skills and a newfound ability to regulate emotions, patients can go on to make better decisions in their everyday life.

Individual Talk Therapy

The fear of being invalidated, rejected, or ignored stops patients from sharing their feelings with loved ones.  Many people would benefit from having someone really listen to them. Individual therapy provides a space for patients to express themselves without judgment. In fact, the therapist’s main goal is to provide support and understanding.

Individual talk therapy is a mainstay of any individual therapy program. During sessions, patients talk one-on-one with a therapist about their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. These opportunities to speak openly about emotions help many patients to identify feelings they were not even aware of before individual therapy sessions.

Feeling comfortable expressing emotions also helps build confidence and can potentially help resolve different issues contributing to substance abuse. Many people go through life without the opportunity to confide in others. We understand that this is a valuable experience that aids with emotional healing. 

The Benefits of Individual Therapy Programs

Recovery is the main goal of addiction treatment. Many of individual therapy’s benefits relate to its ability to promote and support recovery. Some benefits of individual therapy during addiction treatment include:

  • Reduced rates of depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Increased self-esteem, self-awareness, and overall confidence
  • Increased emotional intelligence and identification of emotional states
  • A reduction in feelings of isolation; fostering a sense of connection to other people (in this case, the therapist)
  • Reduction of addictive or compulsive behaviors, such as drug abuse, self-harm, and other negative coping mechanisms
  • Improved relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and romantic partners
  • Improved social skills, communication skills, and assertiveness
  • Reduced symptoms of mental disorders such as depression
  • Positive behavioral changes and the introduction of healthy coping skills
  • Increased compassion and empathy
  • Fosters inner peace, serenity, and balance
  • Improved cognitive functioning and problem-solving

Here at Chapters Recovery, our individual therapy program is designed to help those suffering from addiction and other compulsive behaviors. Our individual therapy program is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual client. During sessions, we guarantee that you will be provided with the counseling, support, and guidance you need.

Individual Therapy vs. Group Therapy

Individual therapy programs do not include family therapy and group therapy. While group therapy is highly beneficial to people undergoing addiction treatment, it is important to know the differences between these two therapy types. It is also important to have an understanding of how these therapies differ.

One of the main differences between group therapy and individual therapy is how sessions are conducted. The number of people involved also differs. Individual therapy involves one-on-one sessions between a patient and their therapist. Group therapy, on the other hand, involves multiple patients and a therapist.

During sessions, patients share stories, challenges, and victories. Patients who share similar issues can relate to one another and feel less alone in their struggles. Further, in group therapy sessions, patients develop interpersonal skills and an understanding of how to work with others. These are important skills for when they leave treatment and return to everyday life.

Individual Therapy Program at Chapters Recovery

If you are seeking an individual therapy program in MA, we can help. Here at Chapters Recovery, we are committed to helping out patients start the next chapter of their life. A chapter full of stability and sobriety. To speak with anadmissions specialist about our individual therapy program, treatment programs, and amenities, contact us today.