What Is Cocaine Addiction Treatment Like?

Cocaine became popular in the 1980s and is still one of the top five drugs abused today. The increased energy and mental alertness made the drug popular despite its tendency to be addictive with long-term use and risk of overdose. A cocaine detox program can help patients get through the painful withdrawal symptoms while detoxing from cocaine. Drug and alcohol detox is a crucial first step in any sober journey.

At Chapters Recovery Center, we partner with the best cocaine detox centers to provide you with a well-rounded addiction treatment program. Our certified therapists will guide you through your recovery while teaching you vital coping skills to avoid your triggers and cravings. If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, speak with our caring staff today at [Direct] to find a cocaine addiction treatment program for your addiction recovery in Massachusetts.

The Physical and Mental Effects of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine comes from coca leaves from the Erythroxylaceae plant family native to western South America. South Americans used this plant for medicinal purposes thousands of years ago. This drug is still popular today for its mental alertness and increased energy, but it also increases paranoia and irritability.

Students and young professionals think they can reduce their risk of addiction with micro-dosing. However, the positive effects are short-term, lasting no more than an hour before requiring more cocaine to maintain that alertness.

Physical Symptoms of Cocaine Use

The physical symptoms of cocaine use may include:

  • Constricted blood vessels
  • Pupil dilation
  • Nausea
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased body temperature
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Tremors
  • Restlessness

Even in small amounts, your addiction will grow over time until you cannot function without it.

Dangers of Using Cocaine

There are four methods of ingesting cocaine. Snorting, smoking, injection, and orally. Depending on your preferred method, you risk the following symptoms:

  • Snorting – Nosebleeds, frequent runny nose, loss of smell, and problems swallowing.
  • Smoking – Asthma, respiratory distress, increased risk of pneumonia, and other respiratory infections.
  • Injection – Collapsed veins, scarring, skin infections, increased risk of HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases.
  • By mouth – Reduced blood flow and an increased risk of severe gastrointestinal illness.

Experiencing a Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program in New England

Cocaine withdrawal during addiction treatment can be challenging to get through alone. It can take five days to several weeks to complete your detox, depending on the length of abuse and how much you take. Cocaines withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Convulsions
  • Tremors
  • Hallucinations
  • Nightmares
  • Insomnia
  • Delayed reaction time and thinking

On your first few days, you will feel exhausted with increasing nausea and insomnia. Withdrawal symptoms typically worsen three to four days from the start of detoxing. To help you through this time, medical staff can provide medication-assisted treatment to help reduce your withdrawal symptoms.

Medical staff will monitor your progress while trained therapists work with you to keep you as comfortable as possible and encourage you to stay strong. As you progress through the program, your medication will decrease until you no longer need it. Once you complete your cocaine addiction treatment program, you can begin working on the next step of your addiction recovery.

Recover from Addiction at Chapters Recovery Center

At Chapters Recovery Center, we offer a range of addiction treatment programs to help with drug and alcohol addiction. During your evaluation, if it is determined you need a cocaine detox program, we will refer you to one of our trusted partners to help with this stage of your addiction recovery. After completing your detox program, you will return to continue your addiction treatment with a variety of therapy programs:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Family counseling

At Chapters Recovery, you will learn where your addiction stems from and develop healthy coping skills to maintain your sobriety for life. If you or a loved one needs help with cocaine addiction, call [Direct] today to learn how a cocaine addiction treatment program can help with your addiction recovery.

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